Decentralized Storage

All audio content uploaded through Audify is decentralized, readily available, and uniquely identifiable. Streaming serves as a fundamental mode of tech democratization, and Audify ensures fair play and free accessibility for all users through its platform. Artists uploading music, descriptions, artwork, and other data, as well as fans engaging with the data, are all showcased on the user interface and accessible via the Ethereum Ledger. Scalable storage is crucial, especially as network traffic increases, and to address this need, Audify employs IPFS (Interplanetary File System), ensuring decentralization by loading content from thousands of peers instead of a centralized server. Every piece of data is cryptographically hashed, resulting in a secure, unique content identifier known as CID. Multi-AudifyFS, utilizing a backup pinning technique through Web3 hosting, provides the solution for encrypted decentralized distribution. A key feature in this architecture is its multitiered storage, with IPFS nodes acting as the hot caching layer and alt-pinner serving as the cold persistence layer. Storing new data involves adding it to the hot IPFS layer and pushing a config for the returned CID, allowing data identified by its CID to be retrieved from IPFS through the client.

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